Saturday, January 24, 2015

weird goings-on - Feb 10, 2005

This week has been normal except for Monday and tuesday.  Monday we had Elder Nash come and talk to use in place of zone Meeting.  It was a good talk/discussion.  We talked a lot about the commitment pattern and what we as missionaries need to do.  Tuesday was the weirdest though.  We had zone conference and President told us about a meeting they had had with Elder Ballard.  Apparently we need to teach 15 sit-down, 20 minute or longer lessons a week.  That doesn't include doorstep approaches.  It does include members, so it can happen, but it is incredibly tough, the way apppointments cancel on us all the time.  It makes it hard to get 15.  We are doing all right though.  We only need 8 more this week.  Other than that nothing much noteworthy happened.  We just keep trucking along.  I love you, Bye.

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