Saturday, January 24, 2015

good stuff - Oct. 21, 2004

Boy, I can never think of good subject lines.  Anyway, this week was totally awesome.  We got the new missionary program called "preach my Gospel".  It is the best thing, I'm glad that I get it for almost my entire mission.  It changes the format to 4 lessons, but the 4th is just basic commandments like the Word of Wisdom or obeying the law of the land, that you can place anywhere or teach seperate.  It is awesome.  OK, last night we had just gotten home at nine and President Ashton gives us a call.  Apparently I'm not going to be companions with elder Stokes for much longer.  He is going to be a Zone leader and they are changing to co-Zone leaders.  So either me or him is getting transferred, I'll find out tommorow.  In the meanwhile you might want to hold your mail until I find out for sure.  I'll send you a new address or let ya know when I do.  Tell Grandpa that I did get his mail and that I enjoy reading them.  I sent the Headley family a letter and I wonder if they got it.  I have a bunch of pictures that I just developed but I don't have time to send them, maybe I will at some point.  I have come to the conclusion that this first 6 weeks is my test or my lesson.  Either I had to get through this tough first 6 weeks with Elder Stokes, who I like, but we just have absolutely nothing in common and it's hard to talk together, or it's my lesson to show me that I am just not easy to get along with.  I'll fill ya in when I get my new companion on Tuesday.  I really do feel like Mom though, This will be my 4th companion in 2 months.  Ridiculous!  Anyway, I do love being out here, It was tough last night when we went to the bishop's house last night and they were all watching game 7 of Yankees-Red Sox.  If I was at home, I would have been camped out on the couch watching and cheering intently, you know how I get.  That was probably the time that I felt the most like going home.  What gets me through is knowing that it will all be there when I get back and that I will never have to miss it again.  I will always be able to check on it. Oh well.  I will say that I have a new appreciation of Hard Work and of my leisure time, because their is no leisure time on a mission.  It is actually pretty physically tough on me.  I look forward to my next 22 months with excitement as I get started.  The days go by like weeks and the weeks go by like days.  Anyway I love you all and I miss you.

                                                           -Elder Kullick

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