Saturday, January 24, 2015

mail - Sept. 30, 2004

Sorry everyone about the wrong email address, I thought you were all crazy but it was wrong, oh well, I guess you figured it out.  First of all dad, The comp in my room is no longer a linux box, I switched it to windows 2000 a long time ago.  I told you before I left that I killed my setup and forgot the admin password.  I don't know if you can get into it, but Mike might know how to do it.  If not just save the Hard drive and get a new one, I'll worry about it when I get home.  I'm glad to hear about the job, that is really cool.  Now maybe I'll have something cool waiting for me when I get back(*hint hint).  Also thank you for the Hymns and the cassette adapter, Elder Stokes was driving me crazy.  It sounds like you guys week has been pretty busy.  It would bug me if I was still home, everyone running around like crazy.  But I'm not so it doesn't matter.  I like how now that it isn't my car anymore, everyone puts the work into it.  That's Murphy's law for ya.  It isn't so bad except for I can't drive myself. To answer mom's question(s), Elder Stokes cannot drive without his glasses, so that makes him legally blind, he can still see though.  There is a Washington Mutual bank right by my apartment. The two other elder's we see every day, Elder Hunter(the District Leader) and Elder Reedy(who is the coolest), are on bikes.  The only one's in our zone.  I can read the ensign, but I don't know if they send it to me.  We have some in our apartment and we do get the church news.  Funny side story on that.  I was reading some of the New Era's that are in our apartment and I saw a picture of a girl that looked alot like Miriam Haws, as I looked harder I realized that it was her and other girls from our ward.  I guess I missed that a couple years ago when Nikki Miner wrote that.  It was wierd though, because she looked so familiar.  I think it was the May 2003 Ensign, but I'm not too sure right now.  For fast food, we have a Wendy's right down the street which is where we always go.  Also we do have dinner appts every night.  It is sweet, the ward here is really nice.  It is good sized for here, but small compared to ours, although they have about the same amount of youth as we do.  It is a little younger ward.  Breakfast and lunch consist of Breakfast cereals, fast food, and sandwiches.  I have cheese and meat as well as the big bag cereals.  I also bought whole milk, which actually tastes like milk.  I'm curious on how much milk is in California, is it this expensive. It's like 2.50 a gallon.  (A side note, I thought that no place would have a higher tax than California, but it is 8.800% here.  Ridicoulus(sorry)).  Actually there were only 5 girls in the family, but each one had a friend over, so it made ten.  I should have clarified, but it was still bad.  By now you have probably watched the Restoration DVD, I've seen it like 10 times already and it is a powerful teaching tool.  If you haven't watched it yet, do it tonight if you can, it's only 19 minutes long.  On this end, things are going good.  We're working with a man named Tom Phillips, he has a huge hang up on the priesthood and the gift of the Holy Ghost, but I think that we might be getting to him. Other than that it's just more of the same.  By the Way, Elder Stokes got a huge kick out of his dysfunctional family quote, his brother's and sister aren't members, so that must be what Sister Tanner meant.  He thought that it was hilarious. Now I am running out of things to say, so I'll end by saying I love you all, and thanks for continuing to support me.  Continue to write because it is a good thing for me, I really look forward to it.  Thanks again and I love you. Bye!

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