Saturday, January 24, 2015

week - Sept. 23, 2004

Well, now that I've been out here for more than a week, I think I have some idea of what's going on.  My companion can't drive for beans(he's legally blind, and yet they let him drive over me.)Oh well, it doesn't matter.  Last night was my first real teaching appointment, We taught a guy named Tom phillips.  He has problems withe priesthood authority and prophets, so he's not close to getting baptized, but it was a cool expierence, we showed him the new Restoration DVD that the church put out.  It is a great video.  Other than that, we basically did a whole lot of tracting,a few funny stories though.  The night after my last email, we went out to dinner in a house with 10 girls, the oldest of which was Teresa and Rachel's age.  My companion was scared because he grew up with all boys, but I kind of fit right into the conversation.  They way the 2 15 year olds talk reminded me so much of Teresa and Rachel.  It reminded me a lot of home.  Although I haven't been particullaly homesick, I have felt like I wanted to go home a few times.  I just have to fight through it.  Also we have a "pet" squirrel that we feed outside our apartment, we got it to come inside one day and my comp tried to shoot it with a slingshot.  He missed and I felt sorry for it, so I let it go.  He managed a few days later to shoot off half of it's tail, though.  Anyway, I just forgot to tell you about uncle Art.  It wasn't bad, but it was weird.  I just got a package from him yesterday filled with candy and various other paraphenlia(sorry), I just don't worry about that stuff anymore.  I did get your package and your letter today.(OK, maybe it was a package as well), Thanks for the stuff about Bonds, I feel weird to know I'm going to miss his 716th and 756th.  But in the long run it doesn't matter.  I can never remember anything I wanted to write you during the week, so I'll let you read my journal when I get back and it will fill you in on all the details.  (I write in it every night.) One more thing, if you could find it in your heart to send me the hymns on CD and a tape adapter for a CD player, that would be great, My comp is killing me by butchering all the hymns, he just grabs 4 or 5 lines from the entire song and throws them together.  It's terrible and quite annoying.  THanks, I love you Goodbye.

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