Saturday, January 24, 2015

transfers and such - Dec. 9, 2004

Alright, I'm in Seattle.  No, really I am.  My new address is 13433 Greenwood Ave N D323, Seattle, WA 98133.  I'm in the Greenwood Ward of the Shoreline Stake.  I don't know how packages work, but send one and I'll find out.  I think I've gotten 3 days of Christmas, but I can't remember what the second day is.  You'll have to tell me.  My zone leader was wearing a baseball cap while we went service tracting.  So I figure it is alright, President Ashton is very laid back.  I love that about him.  Also for the girls, tell them to send me some movie soundtracks, nothing with words though.  But I would love Pirates of the Carribean and the Lord of the Rings, etc.  Anything else in that same vein.  Tell Grandma and company that I really appreciate their sacrifice.  In fact I'll do it.

Dear Uncle Eric, Uncle Art, Aunt Holly, Aunt Linda, Uncle Ray, Uncle Mike, and Uncle Harvey,
  Thank you so much for the Bike money, it will really come in handy.  I appreciate the support that I get from all of you.  I'm sorry I don't write very often(if at all), but I am always so busy.  I love you all and know that I am doing well down here in Seattle(ha-ha).  In any case, thank you again.  I miss all of you, Bye.

Please just cut and paste that and send it out.  My new companion is Elder Wilson and I'm bracing for impact, He is like Elder Stokes times 2.  This is going to be a slow transfer.  This is my third whitewash in 3 transfers.  I think I'll have to lay into the president at interviews.  just kidding, but this area is really cool and not so cool.  We have a great view of the sound from the rich part of town.  It's cool looking.  On the other hand, it gets ghetto pretty quick.  For one we can't go Street contacting at night, and I wouldn't want to.  Oh well, we have some cool people we're working with.  I feel that I'll get my first baptism in this area.  It's a lot more down to earth.  I miss you, though. The other monday is the first time I felt homesick in a while.  I'll get over it.  I love you all and have a wonderful week.  Bye.

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