Saturday, January 24, 2015

transfer date - Apr. 7. 2005

Well, this week coming to a close has brought me a lot of different feelings.  With baseball season starting up, I was a little more homesick on Monday.  It went alright, but it is the first time I really wanted to go back.  It reminds me of what Elder Stokes said about the opening of deer hunting season.  Transfers are coming up next tuesday(April 12th), and unless some really way out weird thing happens, I will be getting a new companion this transfer.  Whether or not I'll be getting him here in Vernon or somewhere else is up in the air.  Toss a coin and you'll know as much as I do.  Mom, I could have sworn that I told you that Elder Richter is from Bountiful, UT, same as my last companion and that he has three sisters like I do.  2 older and 1 younger.  Those are two things I know I wrote.  Anyway, he is a cool guy and my second favorite companion behind Elder Haralson.  It is probably a good thing that transfers are coming soon because while we don't not like each other, we wouldn't exactly be the best of friends back home.  We have almost nothing in common.  It has been the same with all my comps from Utah,and while not as bad as the last to it just has that same feeling to it.  Enough about that though.  We have spent a little while lately helping a part member family get ready for the tulip festival.  They have an antique shop and are on the parade route.  The weekend was basically conference.  My favorite talk was President Monson's first talk, I always like his talks.  I think though that my favorite line was from Elder Bednar's talk.  He said "The tender mercies of the lord do not happen randomly or by coincidence".  It was the best line of the whole thing.  I think that this is one of the best conferences that I can remember.  It started strong and never let up.  That is it from my end.  I'll see what happens this week and know that I love all of you and miss you too.  Have a great week. Bye.

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