Saturday, January 24, 2015

another week & another week part 2 - Nov. 4, 2004

Ok, so Today which is Pday was the first time that I was able to go to the temple.  That makes 3,but I still do miss the Oakland Temple. Mom, you were right that I do miss the noise making chandelier. It was beautiful and very fun.  Other than that this week, my second whitewash, has been more of driving around trying to meet people.  We basically take a page out of the ward list and try to visit all of the less-active or inactive people on the list.  It has been fun, but I wish for once I might get transferred into an area where my compainion knows what's going on.  Life's full of challenges, though, and that doesn't change on the Mission.  I love Elder Haralson, he is a cool kid and plays the violin really well.  On Tuesday we gave a musical spiritual thought.  We both sung the first 2 verses of Joseph Smith's First Prayer, and then Elder Haralson played a verse, while I quoted the first vision.  It was pretty awesome and very powerful.  We are going to do it again. Now I'm glad that I didn't go to the Nauvoo video with you guys, I've seen that thing about 15 times.  It's a powerful video, but know all the missionaries can quote it and it's pretty funny.  I'm glad to hear that Miss Churchill is driving you crazy, she did it to me for a year.  Her class is tough, but it was fun.  I'm going to have to do a two part e-mail, because the computer is going to kick me off. TBC..............

Ok.  My compaion has been in the field for 21 months, but he tells everyone 18 months, because the first thing out of everyone's mouth is that he's almost done.  In my new area, we have every type of Fast food place close, except Burger King which is closed for renovation.  There is a Washington Mutual nearby, (in which I just switched the mailing address on my account statement!, which you could have forwarded to me).  By the way, I remember telling you that you should only put in $50 a month instead of all at once, but you didn't want to so, Oh well.  If you must know, I bought some cool Basketball shoes, so that I could wear my other one's for service, which are getting pretty beat up, pretty quick.  For the ward, my favorite scripture is D&C 123:12, the one where people are only kept from the truth, because they know not where to find it.  Other than that a little bit of tracting and getting used to a new ward.  It is a huge ward and a good one, though the Bishop isn't as good as the last one, or any I've worked with actually(from home).  Well, I'll be heading off, Oh yeah, The Penney's sent me a box of candy from England, which I thought was real nice of them.  Have the girls say thank you for me.  I really appreciate it, it was good, especially the chocolate.  (now I feel included in the candy the girls always got.) I love you all and I'll write to you next week.  Maybe next week, I'll teach you a lesson my comp taught me.  Bye!

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