Saturday, January 24, 2015

new area - Apr. 14, 2005

Well, that has become the theme of my mission.  You may have gotten the letter I sent.  That is good.  If not, then I'll tell you that I've been transfered again.  This time I am in Lake Stevens, WA.  My new comp is Elder Back.  He is from American Fork and has two younger brothers.  He has been out about 17 months and came out right after high school.  He is kind of a mix between me and mom.  He likes board games and video games, but he is also a clean freak.  I have a feeling that we will get along all right though.  FYI, my new address is: PO Box 22, Lake Stevens, WA 98258, ok so technically my address is 1705 124th Ave NE #3.  It is kind of cool to have a po box though, because mail get's there pretty early.  It will also be easier to get packages.  So anyway, this week has been the usual transfer weekend stuff.  Saying goodbye and packing on one end.  And then saying hello and unpacking on the other.  My new area seems pretty cool.  I am on bike again, so I'm going to be having "fun".  Actually it is not that bad.  I don't mind it so much.  Well, that is about all for me.  Have a great week, I love you and miss ya.  I might be a little tired, we'll see. JK, anyway.  Goodbye.

                                                                -Elder Kullick

transfer date - Apr. 7. 2005

Well, this week coming to a close has brought me a lot of different feelings.  With baseball season starting up, I was a little more homesick on Monday.  It went alright, but it is the first time I really wanted to go back.  It reminds me of what Elder Stokes said about the opening of deer hunting season.  Transfers are coming up next tuesday(April 12th), and unless some really way out weird thing happens, I will be getting a new companion this transfer.  Whether or not I'll be getting him here in Vernon or somewhere else is up in the air.  Toss a coin and you'll know as much as I do.  Mom, I could have sworn that I told you that Elder Richter is from Bountiful, UT, same as my last companion and that he has three sisters like I do.  2 older and 1 younger.  Those are two things I know I wrote.  Anyway, he is a cool guy and my second favorite companion behind Elder Haralson.  It is probably a good thing that transfers are coming soon because while we don't not like each other, we wouldn't exactly be the best of friends back home.  We have almost nothing in common.  It has been the same with all my comps from Utah,and while not as bad as the last to it just has that same feeling to it.  Enough about that though.  We have spent a little while lately helping a part member family get ready for the tulip festival.  They have an antique shop and are on the parade route.  The weekend was basically conference.  My favorite talk was President Monson's first talk, I always like his talks.  I think though that my favorite line was from Elder Bednar's talk.  He said "The tender mercies of the lord do not happen randomly or by coincidence".  It was the best line of the whole thing.  I think that this is one of the best conferences that I can remember.  It started strong and never let up.  That is it from my end.  I'll see what happens this week and know that I love all of you and miss you too.  Have a great week. Bye.

Mar 31, 2005

Well, this week has been one of service.  Especially yesterday, we spent the whole day helping two different people. It was fun, but I think if I keep going like this that I'm going to throw my back out.  You all know that physical labor is not my forte`.  Plus I'm not the strongest person in the world.  Speaking of I caught a glimpse of the World's Strongest man competition at a member's house the other day.  It reminded me of Dad.  It was pretty funny.  Oh, and thank you so much for the package it was awesome.  I think I'm set and won't ask for anything for a while.  I appreciate all the you guys do for me.  Have a great week and I love you very much.

-Elder Kullick

Mar 24, 2005

Well, Hello Family.  This week was an interesting one.  It started out with exchanges with the zone leaders.  I stayed in my area with Elder Campbell, who was my zone leader down in Bothell.  He took over after Stokes went home. (On a side note Elder Stokes came back and he is serving in Sedro-Wooley, he has changed alot since I was with him and after he came back from home.  He is actually pretty cool now, he says we could get along pretty well now, and I believe him.  Not that it is important, I just thought I would share that.)  We started out on Saturday and had one of those days.  First, the map we had in the apartment has the wrong boundaries, so we started tracting in the wrong ward.  The first house that we tracted was a lady who was in the primary presidency in the 2nd Ward.  So we went back to find another area and we did.  Of course while we were back, we forgot to get pass-along cards and so we had none.  Then we ran into the J Dubs and they were very insistent in tracting where we were.  We started out in front of them(for once), but then they multiplied and jumped in front of us too.  So we moved for a third time and taught two lessons, but gave away no BoM's.  So it was just one of those tracting days.  The rest of the day went alright though.  On Tuesday we had zone conference and it went on forever.  It was supposed to end at 2 but it went until 4.  It wasn't bad but all they talked about was recommiting and working hard.  We do seem to hear that speech alot out here.  Anyway, to answer your questions.  I haven't gotten the package yet, because UPS has no place to pick-up.  They left one of those things on the door.  I will sign it and have them deliver it tommorow while we are in for planning.  The next transfer date is April 12th.  I think I will stay, but I don't know for sure.  Also President told me at Zone conference that I will be a senior companion this next transfer.  That will be cool.  My "Talk" in church was more of a moment, I just went through the message of the restoration in about 4 min.  It was good and the people seemed to like it.  I think I have to do the 3rd lesson(The Gospel of Jesus Christ) this sunday so that will be good.  And finally, we didn't get the 3 kids on date, but we did get another on date for the 9th of April.  So we are doing all right.  Other than that, We are out in Oak Harbor today going to the beach and stuff,  It will be a fun day.  We did service yesterday and the guy gave us a lot of bottle rockets.  We are going to shoot them on the beach.  It will be sweet.  So I love you and miss you.  Have a good week. Bye.

good stuff - Mar 17, 2005

Alright, so just when I talk about getting good weather, it starts to go all Washington on me again.  The last two days have been hard rain.  Oh well, it is how it goes.  I think the time goes by faster, the longer you've been out, because I have trouble remembering what happened from week to week.  Anyway, yesterday we were teaching a 10 year old girl, Sarah Denman, (with the old discussions-children) and we taught the second  and put her on date for April 9th, so that will be sweet.  It has been tough trying to get the Morrells on date but we are hoping for the second.  Well with tourney time rolling around I expect the time to go by even faster it always does during March Madness.  True to form, a member gave me a bracket and I'm going to see how I do when I have no idea what is going on in college basketball.  We'll see.  Anyway, It has been a good week and things are going well for me.  Thank you very much for the papers on the second coming, they are helping me alot.  Well I miss you and love you all, have a good week.

-Elder Kullick

Mar. 10, 2005

Well, this week has gone by in a flash.  It seems like yesterday I was here.  Oh well, the weather is so good up here.  It seems typical for what I am used to in California.  Maybe if it were 5 degrees warmer it would be better.  Anyway, this week on Sunday, we had an awesome day.  Two really good things happened.  Sister Morrell, the foster mom of the 3 kids we're working with came to church again for the 5th time in 6 wks.  The best part was that the kids visitation time with their mother was changed, so they were able to come for the first time.  It was sweet.  Also we had another less-active guy and his wants-to-be-active-but-works-on-sunday wife came to church.  It was awesome because both Sister Morrell and Sister Smith(the other lady) bore their testimony.  It was very spiritual.  Another cool thing was that on Monday, we had surprise inspections/interviews at our apartment in the morning about 9.  Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but of course I decided to change my schedule that day.  Normally I would shower and then study, but I decided to do it the opposite.  It was weird when I was in the shower when they came.  They were pretty cool about it though.  I would give you some insight into what is happening with me and my companion come April, but it always changes and suffice it to stay, but I might be staying and training.  We'll see.  Now we get to my favorite part, where I ask for stuff.  Just Kidding, it's not my favorite.  Anyway, I seem to have forgotten to pack a fingernail clipper, and I never remember in time without one.  If you could send one up that would be sweet.  Also maybe you could find it in your heart to send me a roll or two of quarters, because they are impossible to find around here and I need them for laundry, it is a dollar to wash and a dollar to dry.  Makes me wish I hadn't taken these things for granted.  Thank you in advance, I love you and miss ya.  Bye.
-Elder Kullick

P.S. Dad, I couldn't help myself, so I picked up a copy of chainfire in the store and looked at the end.  Was I right in assuming that it is a cliffhanger, I would feel better because then you have to wait as long as I do to find out the end. Also was it good?  I miss reading, almost as much as video games. Thanks

finally - Mar. 3, 2005

Well, by now you must be wondering if I am somewhere else, or still in Vernon.  The answer is that I have stayed, it is about time.  I wrote you a letter but this will get there earlier, I'm sure.  Anyway, Elder Richter is still here and we are pluggin along.  On Sunday, I was asked to give a talk that day, of course they told me about it last week, but I had forgotten.  It wasn't bad, though, because they wanted me to do a 3-5 min version of the first lesson, so it went alright.  It is the first time I've had to speak on my mission, and I'm only 6 months in.  Also a cool thing happened yesterday.  We were in for lunch and my comp was upstairs.  I was doing a little reading and there was a knock at the door.  It was a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses.  Anyway, we started talking and they stole all of the questions we ask, of course I had the answer because I ask the same questions.  Like why are there so many churches?  I told them about the bible and why we needed the BOM.  It was fun, it wasn't a bash or anything either.  It was just my first expeirence with that.  It was rather fun I'd say.  Other than that we had a good week with not being transferred and all.  I miss you and it feels wierd that I've been gone for a quarter of my mission already.  I love you and I'll talk to ya next week.

-Elder Kullick

P.S.  Dad, you have to tell me if "Chainfire" is any good.  I can't wait to read it.

another week - Feb. 24, 2005

Boy, it seems that all the days seem to start to blend together.  Nothing much interesting happened this week.  At least not on the missionary side of it.  We did have two weird tracting experiences though.  One guy that I tracted into on exchanges about a week or two ago, gave us a call the other night.  Normally, I would think that would be good, but the guy told us he wanted to give the BOM back to us because he didn't feel right throwing it away.  We said that he could keep it for free, but he said he didn't want it.  So we are going to go get it tomorrow.  Then yesterday we went tracting and tracting into a small tennis shop.  It just so happens that Elder Richter played Tennis in high School and wanted to buy a racquet.  They apparently had a really good deal on 2 $200 dollar racquets for 100 bucks each.  So he is going to buy them.  Also this week on Saturday every other missionary in the area(us and the spanish missionaries who cover MT. Vernon 2nd) got sick.  Not me though.  Now I am suffering the consequences because I am sick.  I hate it, but it isn't bad enough to make me miss anything, just sort of a sinus/cold problem.  I took some aleve Cold/Sinus and it is helping.  I should be alright by tomorrow or Sat. at the latest.  Anyway, that is how it is going up here for me.  Overall, it is going good.  Just on the track.  I miss all of you and Love you.  Bye.

alright - Feb. 17, 2005

The answer is yes to the first 3, I got the packages from Grandpa, Kristin, and the Headleys.  I appreciate them.  I swear I said that last time. Hold on.  I guess I didn't but I meant to, sorry.  Ok, so I'm not very good at this memory thing.  I can't ever put it into words.  My memory though is of spending diversion time with Grandpa and eating white chocolate chips.  Grandpa's hamburgers are always good.  And I can't forget the scones.  Always looked forward to Grandma's scones(still do, I guess).  Mom you have the right to manipulate that as much as you need to get it to fit, but those are my memory's, sorry I took so long, but I'm not any good at that stuff.  Anyway, this week has been a good one with one particularly good discussion.  We taught a guy named Bill Rowe, who had just been baptized before I got here.  He is a smart guy and asks some tough questions.  He had a question on divorce, when Jesus says that anyone who gets divorced and remarried has commited adultery.  Elder Talmage(I really do love him) helped me get the answer.  He says that the message was tailored to the times, and while still applicable, it doesn't apply to legal divorces in this day, but more about how to treat women.  It was a good lesson.  One that's been lost on a lot of people.  So besides all that, it is going good over here.  Having fun and getting stuff done(which ryhmes, I think, sounds good anyway).  Well I miss you all and I love you.
-Elder Kullick

P.S.  A note to Teresa and Rachel, congratulations on the finish of the soccer season.  Sounds like it was a tough one.  It also sounds like you two might have been the among the best of the team.  Remember that years will come along like that, and you just have to stick through it.  It is something I wish I had done more of.  Anyway, keep having fun.  Bye.

weird goings-on - Feb 10, 2005

This week has been normal except for Monday and tuesday.  Monday we had Elder Nash come and talk to use in place of zone Meeting.  It was a good talk/discussion.  We talked a lot about the commitment pattern and what we as missionaries need to do.  Tuesday was the weirdest though.  We had zone conference and President told us about a meeting they had had with Elder Ballard.  Apparently we need to teach 15 sit-down, 20 minute or longer lessons a week.  That doesn't include doorstep approaches.  It does include members, so it can happen, but it is incredibly tough, the way apppointments cancel on us all the time.  It makes it hard to get 15.  We are doing all right though.  We only need 8 more this week.  Other than that nothing much noteworthy happened.  We just keep trucking along.  I love you, Bye.

cool week - Feb. 2, 2005

So this week has gone by in a flash.  It is hard to even remember what has happened this week.  Tomorrow we get to go to the temple though.  That will be cool.  We've been doing some good stuff this week, although most of our appointments fell through.  We went on 24 hour exchanges with the zone leaders this week.  I went up to Burlington and had a good time.  We did a lot of tracting and met some people who knew people in our ward.  So now we have another contact.  I can't think of anything else to say.  I'm sorry this letter is so short, but I love you and Goodbye.

awesome stuff - Jan. 27, 2005

Ok, so for the first time in a while I am loving the mission stuff again.  My new comp Elder Richter, at first seemed a little on the me side.  But as I got to know him, he reminds me sooo much of Kyle.  He could be the Utah version of him.  He is awesome.  We have so much fun and get a lot of work done.  It reminds me of the good old days(I hate when people my age say that).  Anyway this week he said that tracting in this area wasn't very good.  The first 2 house's we taught lessons, it was sweet.  It's been slow this week getting to know the area.  The cool part is that I am finally driving.  Temporary while Richter gets his Driving record up, but it is fun.  There are a lot of cool people in this area.  We are teaching this one lady's three black foster kids and they are sweet.  It is so much fun up here.  We had interviews on Tuesday and apparently I know the first 4 chapters of the BOM pretty well.  We started a mission wide reading of the BOM, we read about 9 pages a day, six days a week.  We will finish on General Conference Weekend.  I'm looking forward to it, it is a great book.  Well that's all from me I love you and still miss you(maybe not as much this week though, but I think that is a good thing).  Bye!

just wondering... - Jan. 20, 2005

Yes, I did get the check, I wasn't able to get around to a Wamu until yesterday, so it is now cashed.  So now you are wondering if I got transferred, yes I did.  I am now in the mount Vernon 1st ward.  So I am now up north.  It is a lot more rural up here than it was in North Seattle.  My new companion is Elder Richter.  Sister Ashton said that he needed me and my strength.  Now I can see why.  He is a little less motivated.  He is a cool guy though and I'm going to see what I can do to help him.  He might also be helping me we'll see.  In any case he is also from Bountiful, UT, and also has 3 sisters.  2 older and one younger.  That's about it for now.  I was going to send you a letter to tell you I've been transfered, but now President tells us Sunday night that we are going to be transferred and Monday was a holiday, so I just waited until now figuring that it would get there quicker.  This new ward is a good one, it seems though that the missionaries up here like to "hang out" with the members, which is not good.  I wonder if I'll be able to change that and still stay friends with the members and more importantly my comp.  It will be an interesting challenge. So far yesterday, it was hard because I have no clue what is going on around here.  I'm trying to indoctrinate myself quickly though.  We'll see how it goes.  I may not be much help so far, but I think I'm going to like it here.  By the way, my new address is 403 N 21st Street #1, Mt. Vernon, WA 98273.  It is a big two story,two bedroom, 1 1/2 bath apartment.  So no complaints there.  Of course we do have to pay 8 bucks a week to do laundry.  That won't be fun.  That's about all for now, I think this transfer is going to be a whole list of different challenges.  I'm looking forward to it.  I love you and miss you.  Have a great week. Bye.

tough stuff - Jan. 13, 2005

Ok, so this week has been a really tough one.  The work has been going not so good and my companion and I aren't the best of friends.  I talked to President and now I know that at least one of us is leaving next Tuesday.  I don't know if it is me or if it is him, but it will be one or the other or both.  We'll see.  In any case, something pretty funny happened yesterday which has me in higher spirits.  We went tracting for two hours and nothing happened at all.  Then we got to the last house and the guy opened the door, my companion started to talk and he just yelled F*** off and shut the door.  We couldn't help but laugh.  That is the first time that anyone has swared at me.  It was absolutely funny.  This week hasn't had much going on.  It did snow this week though and they cancelled church because of it.  It was funny, it wasn't even that bad.  I got my hat and Stroopwafels and I'm so glad.  Awesome, thank you much.  That book was pretty funny as well and I haven't opened the chocolates yet.  We'll see how they go.  We should have two nine year olds being baptized on the 22nd, (granted I'm still here).  That should be cool.  Elder Wilson got his training call and so he'll be getting a greenie, I wish him luck in his endeavors, we'll see where everyone ends up next week.  I don't think I'll miss a transfer meeting my entire mission.  Just kidding, but so far so good.  Anyway, I love you all, and I miss you, I think your prayers got me through this week.  Bye.

Christmas packages - Jan. 6, 2005

I did get Sister Empey's package and it's all gone.  The Kullick Family candy was alright, but it was a little banged up.  Most of it is gone now too.  Transfers are on the 18th of January.  President told me that I'll probably stayt here, which would be nice, but who knows.  If you want my prediction I'll probably stay and Elder Wilson will go with someone else and train.  By the way, a whitewash is where 2 missionaries come in at the same time to an area.  It has its ups and downs.  I should know by now.  We'll see what happens.  I'm doing good, the baptism on Saturday went well, except for the font, which we had to fill up with warm water from the kitchen, but it worked out.  Just a little hectic.  Elder Wilson is from Bountiful, Utah and he has 12 brothers and sisters.  6 Biological of which he's the youngest and 7 adopted.  Only one adopted kid is older than him.  They range from 33 to 12.  It is always the subject of much conversation at dinner, which is fine because then I can eat.  Other than that we are doing alright.  It's been really slow going with the holidays, but now we're looking for things to pick up.  I'm excited because we found a grocery outlet, so now food will be much cheaper.  We are going there after this.  Other than that, this week will be back to normal, I'm looking forward to it.  Ilove you and miss you.  Bye.

holidays - Dec. 30, 2004

So, this week has been better than last week.  Maybe because we had three days off from almost anything.  The 23rd we had a mission christmas conference, the 24th we had an all day P-day.  And on Christmas we didn't do much of anything.  It was fun.  The last few days, we've been going through our part-member family list.  We've seen a few cool people. but no real potential for teaching anyone.  No one wants to talk to us now, they all say come back after the holidays.  It's been hard but not too bad.  Today we went to the Northgate mall in our area.  I bought new slipon dress shoes.  Of course I couldn't get out of there w/o buying a Mavericks Jersey and some more shoes. ( my old ones are now service shoes.  Then we played basketball, it's been a fun day.  Tommorow we have to be in by 6 pm so it will be a short day.  On Saturday, we can't go out until noon, but we have to sneak around the corner to the church, because we have to fill up the font.  An investigator Don Sibley, is being baptized on Saturday.  He's a cool guy, but we didn't do the work, so it seems like someone else's baptism.  I'm still looking forward to it though.  I'll send you a program.  Other than that not much this week.  I miss you and love you much.  Have a good week, I'll write you again on Thursday.  Bye!  -Elder Kullick

something or other - Dec. 16, 2004

Dear Family, I don't know what to write this week.  I hope that you've recieved my Christmas present:-), it is a cool one.  If not it will come soon.  This week has been, to put it mildly, very tough.  My companion is way tougher than Elder Stokes ever was.  I think I'm gaining a new understanding of people.  Also I can't stand people who are uptight, maybe its because I'm so relaxed, bordering on lazy(or maybe just lazy).  It is a tough one for me.  Elder Reedy who was in my zone last transfer eluded to people like this, but I didn't think it possible.  The other day I was in bed until 6:32 and he got mad at me.  I try to shrug it off, but it is hard.  We had interviews with President Ashton yesterday and he told me that he knows its tough, but if I do my best for the next 5 weeks, he'll give me a companion that I'll get along better with.  He also said that I should learn this area like it will be mine for a while.  Which would be nice.  Anyway, enough complaining, this area is a great one.  The people are always nice when we're tracting.  We can usually get at least one good contact a day, the ward is a little weird though.  There should be a lot of good work coming out of the part-member families though, it looks really promising.  I'll keep you informed.  It is wierd being at the bottom of the mission.  It feels like an invisible wall, right on 80th street.  You can see almost all of the big buildings in Seattle, but you can't go to them.  Maybe when I'm done I'll have to come back up.  It is fun though. Other than that this week has been the usual get to know everyone period.  Still don't know many of them, but at least I can find my way around, don't get lost near as often.  I do miss you all, maybe this week more than most, and I love you with all of my heart,  you have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you on Christmas. Bye!

transfers and such - Dec. 9, 2004

Alright, I'm in Seattle.  No, really I am.  My new address is 13433 Greenwood Ave N D323, Seattle, WA 98133.  I'm in the Greenwood Ward of the Shoreline Stake.  I don't know how packages work, but send one and I'll find out.  I think I've gotten 3 days of Christmas, but I can't remember what the second day is.  You'll have to tell me.  My zone leader was wearing a baseball cap while we went service tracting.  So I figure it is alright, President Ashton is very laid back.  I love that about him.  Also for the girls, tell them to send me some movie soundtracks, nothing with words though.  But I would love Pirates of the Carribean and the Lord of the Rings, etc.  Anything else in that same vein.  Tell Grandma and company that I really appreciate their sacrifice.  In fact I'll do it.

Dear Uncle Eric, Uncle Art, Aunt Holly, Aunt Linda, Uncle Ray, Uncle Mike, and Uncle Harvey,
  Thank you so much for the Bike money, it will really come in handy.  I appreciate the support that I get from all of you.  I'm sorry I don't write very often(if at all), but I am always so busy.  I love you all and know that I am doing well down here in Seattle(ha-ha).  In any case, thank you again.  I miss all of you, Bye.

Please just cut and paste that and send it out.  My new companion is Elder Wilson and I'm bracing for impact, He is like Elder Stokes times 2.  This is going to be a slow transfer.  This is my third whitewash in 3 transfers.  I think I'll have to lay into the president at interviews.  just kidding, but this area is really cool and not so cool.  We have a great view of the sound from the rich part of town.  It's cool looking.  On the other hand, it gets ghetto pretty quick.  For one we can't go Street contacting at night, and I wouldn't want to.  Oh well, we have some cool people we're working with.  I feel that I'll get my first baptism in this area.  It's a lot more down to earth.  I miss you, though. The other monday is the first time I felt homesick in a while.  I'll get over it.  I love you all and have a wonderful week.  Bye.

end of week - Dec. 2, 2004

This week has been a slow one.  I was sick for most of Tuesday and Wednesday, I tried to push through, but wednesday afternoon I was out of it.  I feel better now, though.  I got your Christmas tree, you realize that when I move apartments I can't take it with me.  It will just have to stay here.  Someone is also doing the 12 days of christmas to us.  The first day we got a christmas book and the second day we got some candy canes.  It is very interesting.  Today we got permission to go to the alderwood mall.  I'm excited, it has been a while since I've been to a mall.  Because I was sick, nothing really happened this week.  You should recieve my other letter today, so there ya go.  Other than that, I miss you all and have a wonderful week.  I love you.

                                                          -Elder Kullick

thanksgiving/bikeness - Nov. 24, 2004

Ok, so you weren't expecting mail, while my companion decided to break a rule, no actually I'm kidding.  Pres. Ashton said we could e-mail.  It is awesome.  This week has been so very interesting.  Friday started our bike capades.  We biked to the farthest area on the very first day.  I think it was a little ambitious on our part.  This area is very hilly I found out.  It was fun though.  On Saturday it was a little easier, we didn't go quite as far and did more tracting, so it was more walking anyway.  The good thing is that it is almost always downhill on the way to the apartment.  That makes it nice.  By the way, about a bike, I still don't have my own, the assistants are dropping the ball on that one.  I should get one soon though.  In the meanwhile, I have bought a few accesories and they are really expensive.  I've bought a helmet, gloves, a light, a new really comfortable seat, and a speedometer computer.  It's cost about $150 dollars.  I have the reciepts and when I know the total cost of everything I'll send them to you.  I still have to buy a lock and a bike.  Yesterday I went on a 24 hour exchange with Elder Rodriguez, one of our zone leaders(If I didn't already explain, a 24 hour exchange is where each zone leader switches up with a companion for 24 hours.  Starting at 8:30 at night.  They are fun.).  Elder Rodriguez is awesome, I like him alot.  The exchange was also in my old area, which was fun.  I got to see some people I hadn't seen in a while.  It's cool.  Other than that, tomorrow we have dinner at 4 with a really good cook everyone assures me.  It's Pday, so the zone is going to spend the whole day at the stakecenter playing games, watching the testaments or playing bball.  It will be fun.  My first holiday away from the family though.  It just won't be quite the same.  I love you all so much.  Thank you for your prayers and your support.  You have to put up with my e-mails, I don't do a very good job of writing.  I miss you.  Have a awesome Thanksgiving.

weird stuff - Nov, 18, 2004

So I hate to start out this way, but on Monday the assistants called and our car has been taken away, and I am on Bike.  As such I will need about $250 dollars for a used bike from a previous missionary, as well as helmet, lock, and various other things like a speedometer.  If there is a problem with this, I guess we can work it out.  Just remember I won't be able to e-mail next week again so it will take awhile.  In the meantime I'm using my companions bike, whilst he is using another missionary's, because one is too big for me.  So far my bike expeirence hasn't been bad, we've had to plan a lot better though.  I've decided that since I can't watch sports, I'd turn missionary work into a sport.  As such, I've derived a scoreboard, which tracks the number of lessons we've taught to members, less-actives, and such.  It is very cool, basically it's just papers hanging from the roof.  It does motivate you when it's Thursday and you have awful numbers, you can't hide from them.  Early this week, it's been a lot of less-active work and meetings.  Yesterday we had our Zone Conference which is always fun.  Other than that, it's been the same old stuff.  It's cool though.  Hopefully I'll stay at this apartment for more than 3 more weeks. I like it here.  I love you all.  Good bye.

another week & another week part 2 - Nov. 4, 2004

Ok, so Today which is Pday was the first time that I was able to go to the temple.  That makes 3,but I still do miss the Oakland Temple. Mom, you were right that I do miss the noise making chandelier. It was beautiful and very fun.  Other than that this week, my second whitewash, has been more of driving around trying to meet people.  We basically take a page out of the ward list and try to visit all of the less-active or inactive people on the list.  It has been fun, but I wish for once I might get transferred into an area where my compainion knows what's going on.  Life's full of challenges, though, and that doesn't change on the Mission.  I love Elder Haralson, he is a cool kid and plays the violin really well.  On Tuesday we gave a musical spiritual thought.  We both sung the first 2 verses of Joseph Smith's First Prayer, and then Elder Haralson played a verse, while I quoted the first vision.  It was pretty awesome and very powerful.  We are going to do it again. Now I'm glad that I didn't go to the Nauvoo video with you guys, I've seen that thing about 15 times.  It's a powerful video, but know all the missionaries can quote it and it's pretty funny.  I'm glad to hear that Miss Churchill is driving you crazy, she did it to me for a year.  Her class is tough, but it was fun.  I'm going to have to do a two part e-mail, because the computer is going to kick me off. TBC..............

Ok.  My compaion has been in the field for 21 months, but he tells everyone 18 months, because the first thing out of everyone's mouth is that he's almost done.  In my new area, we have every type of Fast food place close, except Burger King which is closed for renovation.  There is a Washington Mutual nearby, (in which I just switched the mailing address on my account statement!, which you could have forwarded to me).  By the way, I remember telling you that you should only put in $50 a month instead of all at once, but you didn't want to so, Oh well.  If you must know, I bought some cool Basketball shoes, so that I could wear my other one's for service, which are getting pretty beat up, pretty quick.  For the ward, my favorite scripture is D&C 123:12, the one where people are only kept from the truth, because they know not where to find it.  Other than that a little bit of tracting and getting used to a new ward.  It is a huge ward and a good one, though the Bishop isn't as good as the last one, or any I've worked with actually(from home).  Well, I'll be heading off, Oh yeah, The Penney's sent me a box of candy from England, which I thought was real nice of them.  Have the girls say thank you for me.  I really appreciate it, it was good, especially the chocolate.  (now I feel included in the candy the girls always got.) I love you all and I'll write to you next week.  Maybe next week, I'll teach you a lesson my comp taught me.  Bye!

new area - Oct. 28, 2004

Ok, my new address is:9607 NE 195th Circle #M-5 Bothell,WA 98011.  My new companions name is Elder Haralson(pronounced Harrelson), he's from Oklahoma City,Oklahoma.  Yea, no Utah!  Anyway he seems cool, but next week I'll be able to tell you for sure.  Alright, last Thursday, we(Elder Stokes and I) went out to dinner at a place called Tokyo Steakhouse, it is a ripoff of Benihana's and not quite as good of tricks, but it was still fun.  On Sunday, we went to church and it was an awesome sunday.  The choir sung and get this.  I almost felt like I wanted to join them.  It was a wierd feeling, but we'll see. It was a very spiritual church, especially since I knew that it was my last one.  Tuesday, we had our transfers of Doom.  Out of 67 companionships in the mission 57 were affected.  It was amazing, there were so many people there.  I'm now in the Bothell 1st ward about 3 miles from where I was before.  It was alright.  This area is a little more like San Jose in that the house's are a little more humble and the people are likewise.  I haven't been here very long, but the ward is much bigger, probably the same size as our ward, but maybe I'm exagerating, I haven't seen it yet.  Anyway, I like it here and I'm looking forward to begin recieving mail again, it would be awesome, you can tell everyone my new address and that they can write me(hint).  I love you and miss all of you.  Bye!

good stuff - Oct. 21, 2004

Boy, I can never think of good subject lines.  Anyway, this week was totally awesome.  We got the new missionary program called "preach my Gospel".  It is the best thing, I'm glad that I get it for almost my entire mission.  It changes the format to 4 lessons, but the 4th is just basic commandments like the Word of Wisdom or obeying the law of the land, that you can place anywhere or teach seperate.  It is awesome.  OK, last night we had just gotten home at nine and President Ashton gives us a call.  Apparently I'm not going to be companions with elder Stokes for much longer.  He is going to be a Zone leader and they are changing to co-Zone leaders.  So either me or him is getting transferred, I'll find out tommorow.  In the meanwhile you might want to hold your mail until I find out for sure.  I'll send you a new address or let ya know when I do.  Tell Grandpa that I did get his mail and that I enjoy reading them.  I sent the Headley family a letter and I wonder if they got it.  I have a bunch of pictures that I just developed but I don't have time to send them, maybe I will at some point.  I have come to the conclusion that this first 6 weeks is my test or my lesson.  Either I had to get through this tough first 6 weeks with Elder Stokes, who I like, but we just have absolutely nothing in common and it's hard to talk together, or it's my lesson to show me that I am just not easy to get along with.  I'll fill ya in when I get my new companion on Tuesday.  I really do feel like Mom though, This will be my 4th companion in 2 months.  Ridiculous!  Anyway, I do love being out here, It was tough last night when we went to the bishop's house last night and they were all watching game 7 of Yankees-Red Sox.  If I was at home, I would have been camped out on the couch watching and cheering intently, you know how I get.  That was probably the time that I felt the most like going home.  What gets me through is knowing that it will all be there when I get back and that I will never have to miss it again.  I will always be able to check on it. Oh well.  I will say that I have a new appreciation of Hard Work and of my leisure time, because their is no leisure time on a mission.  It is actually pretty physically tough on me.  I look forward to my next 22 months with excitement as I get started.  The days go by like weeks and the weeks go by like days.  Anyway I love you all and I miss you.

                                                           -Elder Kullick

Stuff - Oct. 14, 2004

You're Apple ID is your email address, my guess on password would be ******.  If it is something else I don't know, it is the same as when your order iTunes gift certificates.  

OK, on to the other things.  This week was a pretty good one, it was also the fastest, by the way.  I have enjoyed my time this week doing multiple things.  A lot of tracting and also a lot of service.  I like service the best, maybe because it is a mix up of things.  On monday we tracted for about 4 hours.  Holy cow, was I tired, but we did end up teaching 2 first contact discussions.  I wonder if I told you of our new out-of-the-box program.  We're supposed to approach people differently now.  We are supposed to talk to people and use our talents.  So on Friday, I walked into a scuba shop(non P-day, it felt kinda weird) and talked with the guy on scuba diving.  I kept trying to bring up the gospel but it didn't work out.  Oh well. (On a side note.  Talking about it brought to the remebrance of how fun it actually was, one of those things I wish I'd done more of.  Thanks dad for introducing me.  When I'm done we'll have to come back up here and go Scuba Diving.  Apparently there are some real good sites out here.)  Anyway, Elder Stokes had more luck, he went into a bike shop and we ended up commiting a guy to the discussions( of course, we had an appointment with him yesterday and he didn't show. So we'll have to find out why).  Other than that a lot of the same.  I'm enjoying the time I spend with people in general.  I especially love my Zone, they are all awesome.  One quick note before I sign off.  I'm going to try and see if I can't get Jose to show up on Christmas, so I'll keep you updated on that.  In closing, I love all of you and miss you greatly. Bye!

                                         -Elder Kullick

mission - Oct. 7, 2004

The coolest thing happened last night.  We we're teaching a partmember family, and we were teaching on the Godhead.  Tom(the investigator) didn't believe that Satan and Jesus are brothers.  He said to look in Job 1:6 where it said the angels of God came and Satan was among them.  I looked in the King James Version I have and it said Sons of God.  He looked at me all weird and then he pulled out like 3 more bible's and they each said son of God.  Then he looked at me and said that he never had heard of his NIV bible being so wrong.  It was the coolest thing(as previously stated).  This week has been a lot of meetings.  On Saturday and Sunday was General Conference.  It was very powerful, maybe because I had never watched the Saturday sessions before, but it was still real good.  My favorite talk was President Monson's talk on Sunday Morning.  It was real good with knowing which way you want to go.  I really miss Neal A. Maxwell for his talks, they were real good, but I think the new guy's will grow into it.  It was the first time that I remember new apostles being called, it was fun.  On Monday we had Return and Report.  Basically all the new guys had a big meeting with President and Sister Ashton, they asked how we were doing and then we left, I'm paraphrasing because the meeting took about 2 hours.  Anyway on Tuesday, we had Interviews with the President.  He took us individually and interviewed us.  I think I passed.  Other than that, Julie Tanner dropped us off a Cheesecake, I don't know if you asked her to, but thank her for it anyway, I can't do it myself.  Rachel, thank you for your letter, it was a big help to me when I was feeling a little down earlier in the week.  Those kind of letters really help.  Anyway, thanks for all your support and I hope that things are going well down there, time is starting to move a little faster for me here, this last week seems to have blended together.  I love all of you and I miss ya, Bye.

P.S. If you want more information you'll have to ask because I can never remember anything while I'm sitting here, so it will jog my memory. Thanks.

mail - Sept. 30, 2004

Sorry everyone about the wrong email address, I thought you were all crazy but it was wrong, oh well, I guess you figured it out.  First of all dad, The comp in my room is no longer a linux box, I switched it to windows 2000 a long time ago.  I told you before I left that I killed my setup and forgot the admin password.  I don't know if you can get into it, but Mike might know how to do it.  If not just save the Hard drive and get a new one, I'll worry about it when I get home.  I'm glad to hear about the job, that is really cool.  Now maybe I'll have something cool waiting for me when I get back(*hint hint).  Also thank you for the Hymns and the cassette adapter, Elder Stokes was driving me crazy.  It sounds like you guys week has been pretty busy.  It would bug me if I was still home, everyone running around like crazy.  But I'm not so it doesn't matter.  I like how now that it isn't my car anymore, everyone puts the work into it.  That's Murphy's law for ya.  It isn't so bad except for I can't drive myself. To answer mom's question(s), Elder Stokes cannot drive without his glasses, so that makes him legally blind, he can still see though.  There is a Washington Mutual bank right by my apartment. The two other elder's we see every day, Elder Hunter(the District Leader) and Elder Reedy(who is the coolest), are on bikes.  The only one's in our zone.  I can read the ensign, but I don't know if they send it to me.  We have some in our apartment and we do get the church news.  Funny side story on that.  I was reading some of the New Era's that are in our apartment and I saw a picture of a girl that looked alot like Miriam Haws, as I looked harder I realized that it was her and other girls from our ward.  I guess I missed that a couple years ago when Nikki Miner wrote that.  It was wierd though, because she looked so familiar.  I think it was the May 2003 Ensign, but I'm not too sure right now.  For fast food, we have a Wendy's right down the street which is where we always go.  Also we do have dinner appts every night.  It is sweet, the ward here is really nice.  It is good sized for here, but small compared to ours, although they have about the same amount of youth as we do.  It is a little younger ward.  Breakfast and lunch consist of Breakfast cereals, fast food, and sandwiches.  I have cheese and meat as well as the big bag cereals.  I also bought whole milk, which actually tastes like milk.  I'm curious on how much milk is in California, is it this expensive. It's like 2.50 a gallon.  (A side note, I thought that no place would have a higher tax than California, but it is 8.800% here.  Ridicoulus(sorry)).  Actually there were only 5 girls in the family, but each one had a friend over, so it made ten.  I should have clarified, but it was still bad.  By now you have probably watched the Restoration DVD, I've seen it like 10 times already and it is a powerful teaching tool.  If you haven't watched it yet, do it tonight if you can, it's only 19 minutes long.  On this end, things are going good.  We're working with a man named Tom Phillips, he has a huge hang up on the priesthood and the gift of the Holy Ghost, but I think that we might be getting to him. Other than that it's just more of the same.  By the Way, Elder Stokes got a huge kick out of his dysfunctional family quote, his brother's and sister aren't members, so that must be what Sister Tanner meant.  He thought that it was hilarious. Now I am running out of things to say, so I'll end by saying I love you all, and thanks for continuing to support me.  Continue to write because it is a good thing for me, I really look forward to it.  Thanks again and I love you. Bye!

week - Sept. 23, 2004

Well, now that I've been out here for more than a week, I think I have some idea of what's going on.  My companion can't drive for beans(he's legally blind, and yet they let him drive over me.)Oh well, it doesn't matter.  Last night was my first real teaching appointment, We taught a guy named Tom phillips.  He has problems withe priesthood authority and prophets, so he's not close to getting baptized, but it was a cool expierence, we showed him the new Restoration DVD that the church put out.  It is a great video.  Other than that, we basically did a whole lot of tracting,a few funny stories though.  The night after my last email, we went out to dinner in a house with 10 girls, the oldest of which was Teresa and Rachel's age.  My companion was scared because he grew up with all boys, but I kind of fit right into the conversation.  They way the 2 15 year olds talk reminded me so much of Teresa and Rachel.  It reminded me a lot of home.  Although I haven't been particullaly homesick, I have felt like I wanted to go home a few times.  I just have to fight through it.  Also we have a "pet" squirrel that we feed outside our apartment, we got it to come inside one day and my comp tried to shoot it with a slingshot.  He missed and I felt sorry for it, so I let it go.  He managed a few days later to shoot off half of it's tail, though.  Anyway, I just forgot to tell you about uncle Art.  It wasn't bad, but it was weird.  I just got a package from him yesterday filled with candy and various other paraphenlia(sorry), I just don't worry about that stuff anymore.  I did get your package and your letter today.(OK, maybe it was a package as well), Thanks for the stuff about Bonds, I feel weird to know I'm going to miss his 716th and 756th.  But in the long run it doesn't matter.  I can never remember anything I wanted to write you during the week, so I'll let you read my journal when I get back and it will fill you in on all the details.  (I write in it every night.) One more thing, if you could find it in your heart to send me the hymns on CD and a tape adapter for a CD player, that would be great, My comp is killing me by butchering all the hymns, he just grabs 4 or 5 lines from the entire song and throws them together.  It's terrible and quite annoying.  THanks, I love you Goodbye.

mail/cool stuff - Sept.16, 2004

Hello! All right so I just logged on to If you can't already tell my address is  A few rules before I go on.  I can only email you guys, but anyone can email me.  So you can tell people to email me.  I will only be able to answer them through snail mail.  But hey, it's alright.  Ok, on to the cool stuff.  My companion is Elder Stokes from Springville, Utah. He seems pretty cool so far for someone from UTah.  He does say "totally" and "sweet" alot but, what are ya gonna do.  My first area is in the Woodinville 2nd Ward.  It is actually pretty fun being a new missionary.  It's especially fun when a member asks how long you've been out and you say a couple hours.  That's a feeling I won't get in a while.  My P-day is Thursday, or today and so I'll only be able to mail you on this day.  If you want to email me though, I'll be able to read it all on thursday, just remember that I will only be able to be at the library for an hour, so not too much. Yesterday, my only day of full missionary work was actually cool.  Both of us are new in the area so we drove around and met some of the members and less active families.  Then we went *gasp* tracting.  It is filled with ups and downs.  Actually only 3 people were really rude with us, and even then they weren't horrible.  It didn't get me too down, although it might wear on me if it's the same thing for two years.  My companion says that we had a good tracting day, however.  One lady took a book of mormon and said that she would like to come to church and take the discussions, another lady was washing her dog, but said we could come back next week and took a Joseph Smith Pamphlet.  Another man took a Book of Mormon, but I'm not sure if he was serious, my comp thinks he was, so I'm going to go along with that.  It is really weird living on your own with your own money.  It actually feels like a job.  I work for the Lord and give Him my time and energy and he pays me with a place to live(or sleep as the case may be), and $130 a month.  It feels cool to be able to go out shopping and buy things just for yourself.  We wen't shopping and I am going to buy Whole milk!  I'm so happy, I don't have to drink milky water anymore.  We have a dinner appointement almost every night in this area, It is pretty ritzy.  My companion and I went to dinner at the bishop's last night and he had never been in a house that nice.  It actually wasn't even the best house I've been in at home.  After dinner(which was a 2-course, served meal), we went and met some of the youth at the opening social.  It seems like every high school age boy in the area has hair like Cody Teerlink or Cole Lovelady.  It's not bad though.  So far I'm doing fine and working hard, thanks to my companion.  Of course, it's only been 1 day.  I look forward to hearing from you next week.  If you want to send anything, (no pressure) my apartment address is: 17920 140 Lane NE 143 Woodinville WA 98072, the 143 is an appartment number.  I love you all so much and I miss you all. Bye!

P.S. Would you please E-mail Kyle and tell him that he can reach me at this email address now, his email is

P.P.S. So are my letters easier to read than HD's?

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Pre mission photos

Steven's bedroom (with the paint called "Unforgiven" on the walls!)

  Pictures for Mission application

Setting apart with President Chuck Walton